Tour de Hamburg

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Copyright Bharden

Had a fun few days at Hamburg:

  • checked out Netto Boys at the super-tiny Astra-Stube. They are so funny. Their music is like Devo funk. Apparently they all work at Netto supermarket, and most of their songs follow a supermarket theme (from what I can gather – it’s all in German). At one point they got the audience to follow their dance steps – reach out for the product, put the product in your trolley, pay for product, etc! And they had amazing props made out of plastic bags and packaging. Sustainable living!
  • bought a lot of clothes in the cool Schanze district, which I’ll be wearing on stage.
  • spent an afternoon at the race course watching horses pull small people in carts – no, I didn’t put in a bet.
  • went to Pulverfass cabaret – I was half expecting it to be super tacky, but the entertainment was actually mostly good quality. There was a combination of comedians, singers, dancers, beat boxes, samurai artists and strippers. My favourite was the “Madonna” act – he got it down to the way the real Madonna blinks!

Would love to play there – one day soon…
