What it feels like for an Afghan child

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Afghan child
Fancy a smoke before you get... smoked?

Afghanaid is a charity I’ve supported for the past 2 years, so I thought it would be great idea to raise awareness of the great work they are doing at my No Go Pogo single launch on Jul 26. Over 50% of Afghanistan’s population is under 15, affected by war, poverty and high mortality rates. Teen girls are subjected to forced marriages (as a way to feed their families) and children forced to quit school to work. Afghanaid empowers these children through education, campaigns, community demonstrations and health support. They also do projects on/for infrastructure, agriculture, women and many more.

Rye Barcott
Rye Barcott - Fit, literally.

I attended a lecture by former Marine and social entrepreneur Rye Barcott – the most engaging storyteller ever – whose organisation is doing similar work in Kenya, and I was struck by his tagline, “Talent is universal, opportunity is not”. I suppose that’s how people like me end up in London… to seek opportunities. But in places like Afghanistan where there’s tons of talented, determined people, there’s a severe lack of infrastructure and stability – just food even! – to support them on a daily basis so these organisations are working really hard to turn things around, turn lives around. So what’s some spare change, huh? Come to my gig.

I actually wrote a song that is going to be track 11 on my album called What It Feels Like For A Child, based on Michael Jackson’s life but it’s dedicated to all children and adults who have suffered in some way as a child – will post it up when it’s ready in all it’s James Blake stylee-glory.

On a happier note, my candy coloured website is now launched, and there are more cheery goodies in the pipeline – acid-trip songs and sexier videos, back massages; you’ll be the first to know!

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